Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My super-ego forbids it

this forbidden tango,
the uncoordinated

one step:
We loved each other.

second beat:
We almost kissed.

third turn:
you stepped on me.

fourth twist:
i truned aawy

fifth step:
i lsot my pcale

My super-ego forbids it,
my id says to LEAVE,
to find another twist-and-turner.
Someone who won't merely
"Carry you
in theSand)."


I want to dance.
I want to tango.

My ego says yes,
my heart says no.

It's paradoxical.

- - - - -

Just to clear up things... This poem isn't about love. It's about making an important decision... And if you caught this, I bolded the "t" in "tango" on purpose.

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